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  • Remembering the Heros

    I’d like to give respect to my grandfather, Delmar Phillips, who risked his life in WWII in the Army. I’m sorry to say that he passed away a few years ago. I’m even more sorry to say that I never really knew him very well.

    We talked about the Normandy invasion once, because I was reading one of the We Where There books, titled We Where There at the Normandy Invasion. I was sitting on the stairs and he came up and saw the book in my hands.

    He said, “I saw the harbor there at Normandy when the support ships docked. It was an awesome sight. There were ships as far the eye could see, and tons of equipment coming off of them.”

    I asked a couple other questions about some things that I read in the book, and then things got kind of uncomfortable. I was just a little bookworm kid, and I probably just wanted to get back to reading my story. We never ever talked about it again, and I wish that I’d learned more about what his job was there, and what he went through.

    So here’s to you Grandpa Phillips. I didn’t understand then how important what you did was, and I wish I could tell you now, shake your hand, and tell you how much I appreciate how you helped save the world.