Norwescon 34

Well I just got back from the Norwescon science fiction convention in Seattle, WA. I had a lot of fun, as usual. This time even more of my friends attended, and we all got together and had a great time. Highlights of the event were the panels with Jim and Shannon Butcher.  Great people to listen to and funny. The best writing panel that I attended was “Outline a novel in an hour and a half.”  This was a two-hour long panel, totally packed with great advice and guidance on creating an outline. I also attended two writing panels where Mary Rosenblum gave excellent advice. The masquerade and film trailers were great fun as always. DJ’s for the dances were much improved over previous years. All in all, I learned a lot, drank plenty of alcohol, got my picture taken with Darth Vader, and even danced some. If you have never gone to a scifi convention, you should definitely try one.

Here are my notes from the “Outline a Novel” panel.

Here are my notes from the “Good Dialog” panel.

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